Recruitment apocalypse.

/March 2023

that night, I was talking to the designer about how the messy first set of VI should be presented in tweet typesetting. The designer said that a blue bar could be added to the author's name as a dividing line to separate the LOGO from the text.

then open the browser, enter Douban, type out the word "drowning dog", find a picture in the album, and finally use PS to truncate the picture to the size of the original blue bar.

I looked at the designer, and he said, "Yes."

and the reason I say this today is to tell you that as a disorganized content company, most of the time, it is different from other content companies in our attitude towards creators.

I really don't want others to know that they are involved, so I will give them a pseudonym that no one else can recognize. For example, I have used the strange name of "Zhang Luck".

so messy and unlike other content companies, it never wants to use the inertia of the platform to make money, it is always changing, and there are better and more special creators all the time.

We started stationing on Douyin and bilibili at the end of 19 years, and now we also have 450W fans and 450000 fans.

to be honest, messy companies are not growing particularly fast. The companies in the news are growing several times every year. And we almost seem to crawl forward, almost "a good content project a year" to move toward our goal.

but it doesn't matter. In the "content" industry, we always thought we were "smarter". We turned to comics in 18 years, turned to video in 19 years, and today, we have started frame-by-frame animation and live-action projects.

at the same time, profit is behind every victory.

I almost never draw pancakes because almost all the visions I've talked to the team have come true.

I admit that compared with big companies, it is not much.

and the reason for writing this today is simply that we are going to hire people again.

of course, that doesn't mean we don't welcome new graduates.

the entry time for this recruitment is March 2021.

A few more words about what I think of this disorganized company:

two, we want to be an elite team, so the number and size of our company has never been pursued.

four, we respect the creator and hope to help the creator dig out the content style of "like by the author and like by everyone at the same time".

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six, if you agree with the views in the Netflix Culture Handbook, then our company should be very suitable for you.

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